Our Ministries

kids & youth

We create a fun, exciting and safe environment where kids can connect with each other and learn about Jesus. We use Sunday school, Children Church and Kids iConnect to disciple children and teach them about the love of Jesus.

Church should be fun! We make sure your child will enjoy coming to church each week face to face and virtually! Your kids will participate in fun activities and crafts, energetic worship, and storytelling with other children their age. Please contact Judith Jemmison for more info.


We believe in the empowerment of the next generation in becoming agents of change.
Agape Love Ministry (ALM) services include authentic conversation, connecting with Jesus, having fun and fellowship, and giving back to our community.
From Sunday services to weekday services, will find a place to get involved!
Please contact Rushelle Mills-Gowdy for more info.

community outreach

We believe that the purpose of the local church is to reach people connecting them to others, connecting them to God and providing a community of love, acceptance and faith in Jesus Christ.
We’re committed to reaching the community for Jesus Christ. We are committed to partnering with The International Church of God and supporting its mission for outreach nationally and internationally.
We’re committed to partnering with local churches and organization in providing for the basic needs of the community.


Our Life Builders Ministry (LBS) focuses on accountability and building strong relationships among the men in our community.
Our men connect with each other through fellowship, discussions, support, to promote growth in their relationship with God. Strong men build strong families. Strong families build strong churches and communities. Join us on 5th Friday in a month for fellowship.
Please contact Dalbert Rose for more info.


Our women ministry strives to connect women to celebrate and grow with one another. Our ladies meet monthly to discuss topics that are of great importance to the spiritual, emotional and physical growth of women. We attend a retreat in October annually, and we connect through weekly phone calls.

We welcome all women to this ministry. This is the group for you! Join us on the 1st Friday of every month for Ladies Ministry Fellowship (LMS).

Please contact  Rev. Geraldine Wisdom for more info.


Interested in serving with The Believers Church of God?
From college-aged to single, marrieds women and men, youth and adult we have a group for you. The time to serve is now!

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Our response

Baptism By Immersion

We practice baptism by immersion under water the way Jesus was baptized. Once you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, we believe that water baptism is an important step as a proclamation of faith.

Colossians 2:12


Our hearts were created to be loved by God and in turn to love Him with all of our hearts. Worship is the way we live our lives and respond to who God is, what He has done, and His powerful love for us. One of the most consistent ways we worship is through singing and speaking words of reverence to Him.

Mark 12:29-31Colossians 3:16Psalm 29:2

Spirit-led Living

We believe the only way possible to live the Christian life is by God’s power within us. By obedience to the Word of God and daily yielding to the Spirit of God, every believer should mature and be conformed to the image of Christ. So, we seek to practice a daily dependence on God’s Spirit to enable us to do what is right and to obey God’s command to be filled with the Spirit.

Ephesians 5:18John 15:5


We practice receiving Communion as an act of remembering what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.

Luke 22:19

Giving Back to God

We practice tithing for the support of Christ’s Body, the church, as God commands. We recognize that giving 10% of our income is Biblical. We recognize that Jesus taught about money a great deal while on earth and stated a profound truth when He said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Matthew 6:21Leviticus 27:30

Every Believer is a Minister

The Bible teaches that every follower of Christ is called to full-time Christian service, regardless of his/her vocation. This is called the “priesthood of believers” and means that we’re all called to be ministers. We believe that every person has talents and abilities to be discovered, developed, and deployed.

1 Peter 2:9

Telling Others About Jesus

Jesus asked every one of us to share the Good News and God’s love with the people in our lives! We believe that it is the responsibility of every Christian to tell others about Jesus and invite friends to church.

1 Peter 3:15